Back to the Full Stack

Apr 17, 2015    

It’s been a while, blog. It’s been too long.

After descending into database land for about two years, I am going to use a new job at Elastic to pump some life back into the old tech blog. My focus has been targeted very much on the back end, and I have learned so much about high availability and the complexities of building production systems in truly distributed environments. And it has been awesome. I got to work on a bunch of fun mission critical projects, talk to tons and tons of engineers about open source software, and be part of a very strong team. But all databases and no play makes the jack of all trades a dull boy …

Now that I’m back at a job that is very much a Full Stack engineering company, it’s time to start telling stories about data and how we can get it in front of users. I can’t even begin to describe how excited I am. Tech moves so fast, so I’m looking forward to learning about what’s possible, and writing up my notes here.

Here’s to Front End and Back end Engineering done within sight of eachother.
Hey, maybe I’ll do some middle-tier stuff too. I hear that’s getting cooler and more important too.